+(501) 824-2102 +(501) 824-2758 +(501) 824-3621   
+(501) 824-2102 +(501) 824-2758 +(501) 824-3621   


Understanding why people suffer, how they change, and how to help them live more satisfying and gratifying lives is a fascinating, huge, and important undertaking.

John Sommers-Flanagan & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, 2015

100% Confidential

Ensuring absolute confidentiality with rigorous protocols and unwavering integrity.

Qualified Personnel

Talk to someone who has a wealth of expertise and a dedication to excellence.

Individual Approach

Tailored solutions crafted through attentive listening and equal collaboration.

Why School Counselling?

  • A school counseling program provides the type of support a student need to be academically successful and develop into a physically, mentally and emotionally healthy individual that can contribute positively to his school, family, and community.
  • It is a support system to faculty, students, families, and communities.

Services Provided

  • Whole class sessions
  • Seminars/Workshops
  • Crisis intervention
  • Therapy Sessions (Individual, couple, group, family).
  • Resource Referral

How to access service?

  • Walk- In 
  • Email
  • WhatsApp and schedule an appointment
  • Booking on Website (Coming Soon)
  • Referral
  • Face to Face or Online

Your School Counsellor

Mrs. Lupita Gillett has a Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of Belize and a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of the West Indies.

Mrs. Gillett has 25 years of working experience, 18 in the education system. She has worked 13 years at SIHS and 5 years at SHJC. She also has 2 years working as a private clinical counsellor.

Contact # 602-2040

Email: ggillett@shc.edu.bz

How it works?

Make Schedule

Book an appointment.

Start Discussion

Talk about what’s troubling you.

Enjoy Plan

Create a plan to deal with the issue.

Who can refer you?

Internal Sources


Staff member




External Sources

Police Department



Domains of Counselling


  • Grades
  • Attendance
  • Submission of assignments
  • Add/Drop
  • Independent
  • Behaviour


  • Course selection
  • Electives/Course Sequence
  • Further Studies
  • World of Work
  • Scholarships


  • Peer relationships
  • Family relationships
  • Conflict Management
  • Time Management
  • Social Media Issues


  • Stress management
  • Anger Management
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia

Does These Issues Apply To You?

  • In your professional life: You may find yourself consistently overworking to mask feelings of inadequacy and conceal you’re imperfections. This could result in reluctance to seek advancements or salary increases. Despite dissatisfaction, fear may prevent you from seeking alternative employment opportunities.
  • In your personal relationships: The fear of vulnerability may hinder authentic expression of thoughts and emotions, not to mention fearing rejection. While often providing support to others, seeking assistance for yourself might feel daunting.
  • Internally: You don’t know what your needs are. You don’t have hobbies. You are always putting yourself on the back burner. You don’t think you are deserving of love or feel responsible for negative things.

Striving for confidence and security, yet facing:

  • Feel crippled by the fear of failing or others seeing your imperfections

  • Constantly second-guess yourself and struggle to make decisions without approval from others

  • Feel burnt out from never allowing yourself a break

  • Feel sad, lonely, and neglected

  • Don’t know who you are outside of what others think of you

  • Constantly battle self-criticism

  • Believe others would judge you if they knew what was behind the mask

  • Often feel inadequate and so don’t feel deserving of good things

  • Feel unseen, misunderstood, unworthy, and/or unwanted

The shift due to covid 19: Face-to-face to Online to Both

  • Has its advantages and disadvantages.
  • It creates mixed emotions.
  • It challenges relationships.
  • Affects interests and motivation.
  • Not matter how well you handle the shift, the fact is, that the shift has thrown you off balance. It has brought about stress. Know that your experience is normal.


Send a Message & Get in touch!

The Difference

  • Real time learning versus asynchronous.
  • The physical environment: the class room, school compound, field trips versus computer screen.
  • Personal guidance from lecturer versus guided instructions.
  • Interactions with peers versus technological communications.

Tips for Success

  • Follow the Covid 19 Protocols
  • Approach this semester with an open mind.
  • You are not alone.
  • Your classmates as well as your lectures are also making the transition.
  • Be open to the transition.
  • Seek help if you need to.
  • Do not wait until its too.
  • Ask questions don’t assume.
  • Be assertive
  • You are responsible for your learning and your success.


  • Check your emails everyday (mornings).
  • Check your platforms daily/regularly.
  • Create a schedule with your face-to-face and on-line classes.
  • Insert your down loading of notes/PowerPoint time.
    • Research time
    • Assignment time
    • Lab time
  • Whatever it is that needs to be scheduled in, add it to your schedule.
  • If you have never done this before, this is certainly the time to do so.

Creating a Routine

  • Organize a routine out of all that has been said:
    • Schedule – job, class, study, reading, research times
    • Deadlines – tasks, assignments, tests, projects
    • Communication – emails, chats
  • For those of you who do not have internet or access to a computer/laptop, begin the discussion to
    arrange for access to the school computer lab.

Stress Managing Tips

  • Stay social
  • Get enough sleep/rest
  • Exercise
  • Eat well
  • Get organized
  • Manage your time
  • Get help if you need it
  • Take breaks
  • Check in with yourself

Attention and Clarification

  • Pay attention to deadlines given.
  • Mark them on your calendar and rearrange your schedule if necessary to keep up.
  • Pay attention to instructions from lecturers.
  • What you don’t know… ask.
  • Seek clarification where ever and when ever necessary.
  • Make sure you have all the contact information of your Lecturers (email, cell numbers, WhatsApp class group).
  • Follow the threads in emails and WhatsApp class group messages.

Organization and Environment

  • Use an extra notebook for assignments, tasks, projects with deadlines, etc.
  • Homework Log Book.
  • Keep track of your own grades, assignments turned in and assignments pending.
  • Create a work area at home, thereby creating the school environment to put your head in the school mind set, especially if you are doing online courses.

Check List

I have organized a workstation at home.

I have a time table with class time, homework time, study/reading time.

I keep to my time table at least 90% of the time.

I have a homework logbook that I use.

I keep deadlines.

I have a notebook per course and take notes or download and print notes.

I follow my course outline.

I follow the class chat.

I know how to get in contact with my lecturers.

I know where and when to get help.

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Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth through our comprehensive counseling services. Delve into the depths of your psyche to unravel the roots of your behaviors and relationships, empowering you to break free from old patterns and craft the life you envision.

Struggling with perfectionism, codependency, or low self-esteem often stems from a desire to shield yourself from past hurts. Whether it’s striving for flawlessness, overly focusing on others, or preemptively rejecting yourself, these coping mechanisms can hold you back.

Our counseling sessions provide a nurturing environment where you can address these wounds and cultivate healthier ways of connecting with yourself and others. By embracing profound healing, you’ll uncover your authentic self and foster deeper, more fulfilling relationships. Start your transformative journey with us today.

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