CHEM2201 is a course designed for students majoring in chemistry and encompasses the fundamental principles that pertains to Organic Chemistry, a branch of chemistry that deals with the physical and chemical properties of carbon compounds.
It provides student with a knowledge of Organic Chemistry with an emphasis on carbon structure and bonding: hybridization; molecular orbital theory; linear combination of atomic orbitals; conformational analysis and energy profiles of reactions.
It also focus on identification and classification by functional groups; nomenclature of organic compounds; structural formulae and isomerism; and the mechanism for characteristic reactions of the following groups: alkanes. alkenes, alkynes, halogenalkanes, hydroxyl compounds, ethers, SN1, SN2, E1 and E2 mechanisms and electrophilic aromatic substitution.
Course Code/Section | Time | Date | Room | Instructor |
CHEM12021A23 | 8:30-11:10am | Mon | Ln-6 | M O`Brien |